Racial Justice Conference - All of us or none of us.

Conference agenda
We are pleased to share our conference agenda
Welcome letter
Please note - the conference is now full, and no further places are available.
ALL of us or NONE of Us
Racial Justice follow-up conference, 4-7 December 2024, Germany
Redesigning the Ecumenical and Inter-faith landscape for a Racially Just, Wholistically Healthy and Radically Inclusive Community.
Dear Friends,
As we have already communicated to you, the Racial Justice Working Group of the Diocese in Europe is organising a follow-up conference on Racial Justice to build on and keep up the momentum of what has already been achieved through the Freiburg Conference of 2023. It will be part of our Continuing Movement and Campaign to Ensure Greater Belonging and Healing. This major event is to be held from December 4-7 2024 at the Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll, Germany, located at the foot of the Swabian Alb. https://et-wue.de/unsere-haeuser/ev-tagungsstaette-bad-boll/
We are sure there will be many, including young people, in our Diocese who will want to participate. Partner churches and neighbouring faiths are also being encouraged to send representatives. We now write to ask you to register if you are interested in being part of this initiative and also to identify the right people who would be keen to participate and encourage them to register soon.
This follow-up conference, ALL of us or NONE of Us is taking the Racial Justice agenda further in our ongoing journey From Lament to Action and will be another significant contribution in redesigning the ecumenical and Inter-faith landscape for a racially just, holistically healthy and radically inclusive community.
Kindly find the registration form with all the required information linked below. The online link can also be used for registration. Further information about speakers, and the programme will be published in due course.
The conference organising team will include the Diocese in Europe Racial Justice Working Group:
The Venerable Dr Leslie Nathaniel (Chair of the Working Group), Ms Hureem Salas, Mr Ezekiel Victor, Revd Canon Joanna Udal and The Revd Augustine Nwaekwe;
The Conference Coordinator: The Rev. Vinod Victor, the Chaplain of the Anglican Church in Freiburg; The Conference Secretary: Ms. Molly Catherine.
The Conference Treasurer: Ms Carol-Ann Khatri from Bonn/Köln
The Conference Logistical Support: The Anglican Centre of the St Catherine’s Church in Stuttgart with the Baden Wurttemberg team.
For Further enquiries please contact the Secretariate at racialjusticeconference@gmail.com
With every good wish and sincere prayers as we go forward in faith.
The Ven Dr Leslie Nathaniel
Archdeacon of Germany, Northern Europe and the East, and Chair of the Diocesan Racial Justice Working Group

Registration details
Participants at the conference must be aged 18 or over. However, any younger person can attend with an appropriate/approved chaperone (this information will be shared with the Conference safeguarding team).
Participants must arrange their own visas where needed. The Conference coordinators will be able to provide letters of invitation once your attendance has been confirmed.
The latest date for registration was September 25, 2024.
Registration is now closed.